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Intuit and Morphie have introduced a product for accepting payments using your iPhone

imageFor those of you that are working the event tent themes you have probably been looking for more ways to be able to collect funds from potential customers. If you are like me, I hardly ever carry cash, I have embraced plastic money. More and more of us are getting into that position and if you are a retailer then you need to be more concerned about losing a sale because you don’t have a way of processing a credit card transaction.

Voila! Now you do. Intuit and mophie let you accept payments right on your iPhone, so it's never been easier to accept payments wherever your business takes you.



With Intuit GoPayment and the mophie marketplace credit card reader, you have everything you need to securely process credit card payments on your iPhone 3G and 3GS. It's simple to get started. Just apply and get activated in as few as 15 minutes.

So what are the benefits?

  • Innovative Design – Simple in design and easy to use with the low-profile, soft-touch case. It is important that the transaction process is fast and accurate and where you need it.
  • Email Customer Receipts – After you process the payment the marketplace™ automatically sends an electronic receipt  to your customer.
  • Encrypted Card Data – The transaction is encrypted on the card is scanned, for security and you’ll get authorization in seconds.
  • Quick Transactions-It is important to make the entire process as painless as possible. Digital signatures, paperless receipts and the ability to take a payment virtually anywhere makes the marketplace the ultimate solution for mobile payment transactions.

How Much Does It Cost? Be sure to look at the fine print because there are some variations in the percentages that you will be charged to process these transactions.


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