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xfinity.tv (Comcast) has released a new iPad App

photo1Do you want more control over your DVR’s in the home? Well Comcast has a new App available on iTunes that allows you to set up your recordings on all of DVRs in your house.

Here’s a brief highlight of this App’s capabilities:

  • Search On Demand and TV Listings
  • Change channels on your TV
  • Schedule your DVR remotely
Remote Tune

You can change the channel on your TV right from your XFINITY TV app. Just find a program you want to watch in TV Listings and tap “Watch on TV” to change your TV’s channel and start watching instantly. You can even tune directly to an On Demand program.

Remote DVR Scheduling

Use the XFINITY TV app to schedule your DVR from wherever you are. Just find a program you want to record from TV Listings and tap “Record.” It will be waiting for you on your DVR when you return home. You’ll never have to miss your favorite shows again.

How to Search

With the XFINITY TV app, it’s easy to navigate through the thousands of TV shows and movies – even those On Demand – that are available to you. Simply tap “Search” at any time and search by title, actor or keyword. You can even filter by genre, network, HD and more.

Download Free

The XFINITY TV app is available for download from the App Store℠ for your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch."

While this application gives you access to programming you DVR remotely it is lacking a few functions that would make it more functional.

First, I would like to have the ability to see what I have on the schedule to be recorded and have the ability to edit those choices.

Second, it would be nice to be able to jump to a specific date, time and/or station.

Third, the ability to create a list of stations that you want to always review would be another nice feature.

Fourth, wouldn’t it be nice to stream the content to the iPad as well? Maybe that is asking too much. But if they checked with your connection, and since you are logging in with your account information it shouldn’t be that much harder than connecting with a PC and streaming that way.

This is the first iteration and you can’t expect the whole world all at once. The program is very responsive and simple to use. Would I recommend downloading this to your iPad or your iPhone. Definitely. This gives you the ability to lock in a TV recording if you happen to forget to program it locally or you can take a look at what movies are playing while you are away that you want to record to watch at a later time.

I will look forward to see what they will come out with in the future versions.

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