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Netflix adds unlimited streaming plan; raises prices for DVD plans

2010-11-27_1327Some good news and some bad! Netflix is now offering an unlimited streaming-only subscription plan for those of you who don’t want to deal with DVD’s and the United Postal Service. The bad news is that Netflix is raising its prices on several other plans that are based around DVDs.

The unlimited streaming plan will run $7.99 a month, which puts it right in line with Hulu Plus’ offering. This plan is available right now. As for the price hikes, the 1-DVD and 2-DVDs out at a time plans will rise by $1 while the 3 DVDs-plan will jump $3 to $19.99. This will definitely make the streaming option a lot more attractive to those who have an internet connection that can handle it.

I know that I for one would probably be better suited with the streaming only plan because I don’t turn around the DVDs very often. I have one that I am currently sitting on for over a month and during that time the streaming version  has become available.


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