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Where has the time gone...

image So now I have made the mistake of adding a few more suggested Blog RSS Feeds to my greedier list and now I am getting about 2500 message a day that I have to sift through. The calendar says it is the thirteenth of the month I took a quick peak at my blog stats for the month and I have only posted one time to the web. It seems by the time I have sifted through everything I have no more energy left to write.

So I am going to try to do better because there a lot of things happening right now that I want to share with you and if I don't get busy they will get real stale and a whole less interesting. My goal has always been to work in about 25-30 new products or How to Demos each month, so that now that I have restated my goal let's see if I can get close to it.

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