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Do you want to charge for use of your power?

image A new product is being introduced to control access to your premise power outlets and provide you with another source of revenue for your business. The SafePlug 1200-P3 is a pay-per-use system that provides this ability. This solution will provide paid access for those who find themselves with devices running low on power. The SafePlug 1200-P3 pay-per-use system can be into a regular power outlet. It will allow the potential client to gain access with a prepaid plastic card or key fob that are purchased from the front counter of the business or at kiosks, and will offer anywhere from 10 to 20 blocks of access time, where each one of which could be 20, 30, 45, or 60 minutes in duration. Once the device is unplugged, the P3 will turn itself off automatically. $1 will net you 20 minutes of charging time, with the outlet’s operating cost being estimated at 12 cents per kWh.

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