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Study: Facebook use fuels jealousy, hurts relationships

I thought twice, maybe even three times before I posted this. It always amazes me that people want to look everywhere but within for the solutions to the problems in their lives.  So….

This study shows that people need to stop looking for others to supply all of their self worth, and to start looking looking within themselves for this reassurance. If your relationship isn’t strong enough with your significant other to be a driving force in your relationship than maybe you are in the wrong relationship. To blame a software program for causing a relationship problem is the same as blaming any kind of distraction as the cause of the breakdown in your relationship instead of going to the source of the problem, you. You have the sole control of your side of all of your relationships. You can’t control anyone else but yourself, so do your best, put your best foot forward. and lead by example. Remember the Golden Rule. Life can be good if you work on making it so. So….

Study: Facebook use fuels jealousy, hurts relationships

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