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CASHBACK! This may be a reason to use BING…

imageWhile the general feeling about the new Microsoft Search Engine BING is mixed, most tell us that they have found it easy to use, that its results are quite good and they have no real compelling reason to use it over Google or Yahoo. Everyone likes to save money when the are shopping and here is a way to get a few dollars back from many of the stores you may be using online already. I was surprised at the number of vendors that have signed up with Bing to provide these discounts and the percentages that some of them are offering.




How to get started: Like most of Microsoft’s online applications you will need to have a Microsoft Hotmail Account and to get faster rebates you should have a PayPal account. Once you have these setup go to Bing’s Welcome to Bing cashback screen.  The left button provides you with the prompts to get a Windows Live ID and will then have you set up your new cashback account. The right button gives you your login prompt and will launch you into your account screen. Once you imagehave an account setup you will be eligible for payments once your account has reached the minimum $5 limit to process.

Once you have finished setting up your account you are ready to take advantage of your cashback account while shopping. Just make sure you  are using the Bing search engine as your default search engine and that you use it to search for the products you want to buy. Find the best price and Bing will do the rest.

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