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Hands-On Look at What's New in Office 2010 - Office 2010 - Lifehacker

image One of my favorite sites these days for learning about new things both techy and nontechy alike is Lifehacker. Though there is a genuine bent towards the tech side of things there is a great amount of information being blogged by numerous writers about all sorts of things. However, this posting is a little on the tech side. If you are curious about some of the new features in Office 2010 that is coming out soon, here is a quick overview of the Beta that has been reviewed by Kevin Purdy. There are some interesting new features, and for those of you that have fallen in love with Windows 7, you will see better integration with the task bar and other features that I can’t live without now. Enjoy!

Hands-On Look at What's New in Office 2010 - Office 2010 - Lifehacker

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