How to sign documents with the Tablet PC
Electronic Signatures With the Tablet PC
The vocabulary of digital signatures is a bit confusing. The term "digital signature" refers to a certificate administered by a trusted third party, certificate authority, similar technology. The term "e-signature" refers to a digitized signature created with a stylus and digital ink.
Digital signatures are not supported by TheraWriter.PT, however using a Tablet PC or a graphic file of a signature, e-signatures can be hand written onto the document. The below example shows how to sign a document using the Tablet PC. To use the electronic ink, Microsoft Word 2003 or above is required. Also, TheraWriter.PT's editor must be setup to use the external editor. To change from the internal to external editor, please refer to the following article.
- Start by generating a report from TheraWriter.PT Documentation.
- Microsoft Word 2003 will launch.
- Locate the ink toolbar. The ink toolbar will look similar to the following:
- Select a pen from the toolbar.
- Finally scroll to the signature line at the bottom of the report. Sign the report using normal hand writing on the line itself. (Don't use the Tablet PC writing pad)
- Save and lock the report as normal.
Reader Comments (1)
good articles. thanks for your share.