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Intel Modular Server Seminar

This week we held a little introductory seminar using our new Intel Modular Server that we will be putting in place for our own network system. We are really looking forward to having this in place and the response from those IT professionals that attended the seminar solidified our view of just how great this product really is. Ken Lindsay, one of senior network technicians did the presentation and did a wonderful job showing the resiliency of the system. Beyond the redundancy of the  power supplies, motherboard and Raid drive arrays, all of the components interact to take advantage of the modular control interface. Unbelievable control to switch functions within the unit. We demonstrated losing a drive, rebuilding the array, switching your server to a spare server module and the ease of moving functions from one server module to another. If you lose a server module you can be up and running with your spare in less than 10 minutes. Down time is minimized by an unbelievably short time frame.

We also showed the management module's logging features to track faults and the potential growth path within the product as well. Be sure to contact to register for the next scheduled presentation. 724-838-7526 or email to sales@paconnect.com

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