Most of us have our hands in many different places and I fit that mold pretty well. These sites include links to different locations for our company's information as well as some things about me personally as well.
This is the location of our Business Solutions side of the business.
These are some of our posted videos on YouTube.
List of videos that I have posted for BobsTechTalk. Click on the Uploads to get a list of uploaded videos.
With our live remote-assistance tool, a member of our support team can view your desktop and share control of your mouse and keyboard to resolve your problem without you having to bring your system into the shop or initiate and onsite Service call.
The PAconnect Client Service Portal gives you access to your accounts service tickets, and the ability to submit a new ticket to our Service Desk. You will be given a choice of 9 categories to select from for your issue that you are requesting help with.
Our ConnectBooster Payment Portal will give you access to your current invoices as well as past ones. You can set up an Autopayment with rules of how to authorize payments, to schedule payments, see pending payments that are scheduled, view any credits o
Generating a service ticket. – This can be done by sending an email to